Prof. Yitzhak Hen

Yitzhak Hen
Director of the Israel Institute for Advanced Studies
Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages
Humanities Building, room 6420, Office Hours: by appointment

Yitzhak Hen is an historian of western Europe and the Mediterranean in Late
Antiquity and the early Middle Ages. His research focuses on the social, cultural and
intellectual history of the post-Roman Barbarians kingdoms of the early medieval
West; Western Liturgy; early medieval Latin Palaeography and Codicology. He has
published numerous articles and several book, among them Culture and Religion in
Merovingian Gaul, 481-751 (1995); The Sacramentary of Echternach (1997); The
Royal Patronage of Liturgy in Frankish Gaul to the Death of Charles the Bald (2001);
Roman Barbarians: The Royal Court and Culture in the Early Medieval West (2007).

Prof. Hen was a Fellow in Residence at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study
in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS), at the Princeton Institute for
Advanced study (IAS), and the Israel Institute for Advanced Studies (IIAS). He is
also a Life Member of Clare Hall (University of Cambridge).